“The true prison is not constructed of concrete; it is made from identification with thought.”
Meditation Wednesdays

Malmö, Sweden / Online
Time: 19.00-20.30
Cost: Donation Based
Each week, Atmananda will guide us in exploring different facets of non-dual meditation. It could be common obstacles or inspiration to lead you on your path. The meditation and talks are meant to inspire, uplift, and challenge you on your spiritual journey.
A Meditation Wednesday include:
- Guided meditation
- Talk on a subject related to Non-dual meditation
- Q&A session
- Bhajans and devotional singing
On location
Ehrensvärdsgatan 4A, Malmö, Sweden. Press M Atmananda and you will be let in. Go to the left up the stairs to the first floor and you have arrived. The doors are open from 18.45.
Meditation – Yogans sanna natur / Stockholm

Vill du få en djupare insikt i vad meditation är, och lära dig hur yoga och meditation hänger ihop? Workshopen har som mål att ge dig en djupare insikt i vad meditation är, och verktyg för att etablera en självständig meditationspraktik.
TID: 12.00-16.00 inkl. paus för lunch
PRIS: 1.800 kr (sammanlagt 6 timmars undervisning)
Little Peace Yoga i Stockholm
Vi är en personlig yogastudio med ett stort utbud av klasser och aktiviteter som spänner från dynamisk asanapraktik och meditation till kurser och workshops, med ett öppet schema, framstående lärare och en gemenskap av unika individer som delar en öppenhet för fysisk, mental och spirituell utveckling.
Online Meditation Retreat 14th-16th March 2025

Malmö, Sweden / Online
Date: 14th to 16th March 2025
Markus Atmananda extends an invitation to a weekend retreat centered around non-dual meditation and self-enquiry. The doors are open to anyone who wish participate and immerse themselves in silent contemplation and the exploration of meditation. Whether you opt to practice at home or join us in person, give yourself an opportunity to dedicate yourself to your practice for the weekend.
What you can expect:
• Markus Atmananda gives you daily guidance into stillness via Satsangs and together we will investigate the essence of Non-duality and Vedanta.
• You will explore guided meditations, mantra meditations and spiritual Self-enquiry.
• You will experience devotional practices and the possibility to participate in kirtan and bhajans.
• During the silence it will be possible to ask questions during the Q&A part of the sessions.
• This is an opportunity to deepen your own practice with the emphasis on the internal process.
• For on-site participants, a vegetarian lunch and tea will be provided.